Sweet Treats You Must Try in Kraków!

by Eliza Wasilik

Whether you are more of a savory food person or a sweet treats person, here are a few things you simply must try when visiting Kraków, or Poland in general!

Following the 8 Savoury Foods You Must Try Kraków article, as promised – here is another special dedicated just for the pure & sweet deliciousness that is.. Polish desserts. Nom.

So let’s get right to it! Saying that, it’s very difficult to decide what to put as number 1.. so let’s just say – these are not in the deliciousness order!




Similar to doughnuts but also so so different. They’re sooooo heavenly fluffy and light, light like a sponge and so, so tasty. Let’s get one thing straight – Pączeki are definitely not the healthiest, as they are deep fried, but it’s seriously worth it, I tell ya. Often with a super tasty filling, actually – many fillings to choose from, rose marmalade, liqueur or pudding/custard etc.

Pączeki are also a symbol at the end of the carnival season – Tłusty Czwartek (Fat Thursday) is the last day before Lent and Polish people literally go through tens of millions of them!


Kremówka or Napoleonka (depending on where you are)


A must in every single pastry shop in Poland. The deliciousness – which originated in France, has been changed and made into something that consists of puff pastry layers, separated by a sweet cream, whipped cream, meringue or pudding. The top is covered with powdered sugar or sometimes light icing.

A dessert that John Paul II would often mention and one that is hard not to like!




A cheesecake, but definitely not one that most would expect. Made with twaróg – something resembling cottage cheese, ricotta or quark and baked to perfection. When it comes to the base – there are a few different options, sometimes you’ll find a half-crispy bottom and sometimes you won’t find one at all. Either way – it’s freaking delicious.

One important thing is the outrageous number of yolks used. I’m amazed again and again when my mum makes a Polish cheesecake and gets to about 10 yolks and sometimes keeps going. My absolute favourites are home-made, without any chocolate glazing or vanilla aroma which are often added in bakeries etc.

The good thing is that Polish people are usually so friendly and whenever you’re invited to anyone’s house – mostly always, you will be welcomed with food or cake – so you might be lucky and get a cheesecake! 🙂




Cookies made from gingerbread pastry and added spices such as cinnamon, covered in chocolate or icing sugar. Often filled with jam of different flavours – strawberry, rose, plum among many others.

Very popular during the Christmas time of course, but not only then! Especially when visiting certain parts of Poland, for example Toruń where the craft of gingerbread cookies began in the 13th century!




A year-round favourite in Poland – szarlotka is a must try for sure. It’s an apple pie made different, usually with a half-crisp base and the rest is up to preference. Everyone has a different recipe but one thing is for sure – there will most likely be a lot of cinnamon and even if you’re not a fan of cinnamon yourself – this cake might just change that as it did for me.

An absolute must in pretty much every restaurant – sometimes served warm with cream too!


Sweets to try!

I decided to also tell you about my favourite sweets that can be bought in pretty much any shop!

1 – Ptasie Mleczko
Seriously soft and light marshmallow-like filling covered in chocolate. One of my favourites!

2 – Krówki
A traditional polish sweet, which strangely translates into ‘little cows’ but let’s ignore this bit. It is a semi-soft milk toffee candy, with a crispy or hard outside and heavenly soft but also sticky inside. So good.


So here you go! Bet this has got your taste-buds tingling. Enjoy!



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