10 Insanely Weird Facts About North Korea

by Sasha Selkirk

You can’t believe everything James Franco and Seth Rogan say, but as it turns out The Interview isn’t as ridiculous as you might assume…




All teachers play the accordion

In the 1990s, teachers were legally required to be able play the accordion.


Elections are held every 5 years but only one name appears on the ballot

Ensuring 100% victory for the leader every time.


Kim Jong-Il was a huge film buff

At least that would explain why he kidnapped South Korean director Shin Sang-ok anyway.


They have their own version of ‘Godzilla’


Kim Jong-Il loved the film so much he commissioned his captive to make his own propagandistic version of it: ‘Pulgasari’.


Visiting Kim is the country’s favourite pastime

The state mausoleum is their most visited attraction.


They have a ‘three generations of punishment’ rule

Commit a crime and your whole family held accountable – sorry grandma!


They only have three T.V. channels

Which leaves us wondering how many families might be in prison for illegally watching soap operas.


Kim Jong-Il liked hard liquor and debauchery

North Korea

He’s no Christian Grey but Kim reportedly guzzled his way through $763,000 of cognac a year and was once caught with a bondage magazine at school.


Its year 107, not 2018

North Korea marks years from the birth of Kim Il-sung, not Jesus.


North Korea isn’t actually Communist

So this is stretching the truth a little! However, according to Kim Il-Sung they operate under the “Juche” ideology and so aren’t technically a Communist nation. I’m not buying it…

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